Fall 2023 Monday Competitive Coed 4v4 8:50pm & 9:30pm Mini League

Gorman and Bunch Orthodontics

Indiana Elite Vollyeball

Shepherd Insurance

Waste Management
Monday, October 2
Triple Headers
Court 5
Court 6
8:50 PM |
9:30 PM |
10:10 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Monday, October 9
Triple Headers
Court 5
Court 6
8:50 PM |
9:30 PM |
10:10 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Monday, October 16
That’s What She Set forfeited to Ballers 2.0*.
Biggie Smalls forfeited to Ballers 2.0*.
Ballers 2.0* forfeited to Hit It Harder.
Court 6
8:50 PM |
9:30 PM |
10:10 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)