2023 Fall ELITE Beach HS Girls Training

  • Sport: Jr Beach Volleyball
  • Format: iB31 Club
  • Locations: * iBeach31 , Beach Elite (8th-12th)
  • Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
  • Started on : Started on Monday, August 14
  • Dates: 8.14, 8.15, 8.17, 8.21, 8.22, 8.24, 8.28, 8.29, 8.31, 9.5, 9.7, 10.30
  • Times: 4:30 PM, 5:00 PM, 6:00 PM

Monthly advanced iB31 Club training with a Elite Coach in a small groups.

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays
4:30/5-6:30p (first 30 minutes extra warm up and drills and allowing a 5p start for those coming from schools with a later start time.
Weekend tournaments coming soon (al a carte)

unlimited - $275/month

What: iB31 Elite Beach Volleyball
Elite Training is for advanced players 13-18 years old with 3 years of beach experience.

We will have experienced Beach coaches all 3 days

1.5 Hours of Elite Training - Players will be in a groups of 8-10 with an experienced Beach Coach.

NEW Location
750 E. 181st Street Westfield, IN 46074

*** 724 E. 181st Westfield, IN was the old address and may work with maps other than google ***

We are UNDER CONSTRUCTION. WE CAN NOT PARK ON-SITE due to construction. This is temporary and will not be forever. Please PARK across the street at the YMCA
851 E 181st St, Westfield, IN 46074

Please use extreme caution when crossing the road. Young Minors must be accompanied by an adult at all times while on the premises. We have a mulch path with 2 iBeach entrance signs. Follow this path to the beach! This is the only designated walking path, DO NOT enter the construction site.

MORE INFO & MAP SHOWN HERE: https://www.ibeach31.com/page/faq-rules

Please bring your own water bottle, if you forget that’s ok, we do sell bottled water for $1. We DO have an outdoor shower station. We also have complimentary beach brushes to remove sand before you leave. Beach towels also work and some players like to use baby powder.
Spectators, kids, chairs, canopies & umbrellas are all welcome

Training GroupMe Updates, Communication AND Weather Updates
Training communication, updates from the coaches, weather alerts, tournament options and more!!!
Please be sure to join here:

Please plan to always play every week, we will play in light rain but will NOT play with any heavy rain or lightning nearby. We will send out a mass alert via text/email/social media/groupme
If we decide to cancel but we typically will not make the final call until 1hr prior to start time.
To stay up to date Weather alerts Like/Follow our Facebook & Instagram pages here:

  • Fall 2023 Monthly Training Aug 3x/wk (prorated $140)

    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: All Ages
    • Individual
      • Status:
      • Cost:
      • Indys Sold Out
  • Fall October Traing 2x/wk 8 sessions

    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: All Ages
  • Fall October Training 3x/wk 12 sessions

    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: All Ages
  • Fall September training 2x / week monthly $210

    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: All Ages
  • Fall September training 3x/wk monthly $250

    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: All Ages
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