2023 Summer High School Train & Play (Fridays 9am - 12noon)

  • Sport: Jr Beach Volleyball
  • Format: 2 vs 2
  • Locations: * iBeach31 , Beach Elite (8th-12th)
  • Days of the week: Friday
  • Started on : Started on Friday, June 2
  • Dates: 6.2, 6.9, 6.16, 6.23, 6.30, 7.7, 7.14, 7.21, 7.28
  • Times: 9:00 AM

Signup Deadline: Tuesday, August 1


High School level Beach Volleyball Training, then Mini-Tournament Play. (Some Prior Volleyball Experience Preferred)

Fridays 4 or 8 week packages

from 9am - 12noon (1hr training, up to 2hrs tournament play)

$170 4 weeks
$270 8 weeks

Details: Train with our experienced Beach Volleyball coaches for 1 hour every week, learn beach volleyball fundamentals (passing, setting, attacking, serving) then play live mini-tournament style King/Queen of the Beach (KQOB) games every week in a 2 v 2 format. We will mix and match partners for every round of tournament play!

Players will also be encouraged to participate some in our Saturday/Sunday weekend Tournaments $40 entry, but it is not required. No gate entry fees and no parking fees. All Junior tournaments will be posted here:

An Active AVP Membership is required for our Summer Programs & required for all of our Junior Tournaments.

AVP Membership Link:
Follow these instructions: Parents must first create their own Account ($0 / Basic Account) to manage their Youth Athletes account. Parents, first Click become member, select Basic $0, fill in all required info, once the parent account is created click on "create a Linked Account" to create your Junior's AVP account and obtain their AVP Member number. For your Junior select Silver $25 membership, fill out your Junior's info, select AVP America and AVP First if it asks what your interests are, select iBeach31 for affiliated organization, & select other (club not listed for affiliated Beach Club) and type iBeach31.

Once you have your membership you will able to register your Juniors team using their AVP info (not yours).
Tournament Link:

  • 4 WEEKS FRIDAYS 9am - 12noon

    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: All Ages
  • 8 WEEKS FRIDAYS 9am - 12noon

    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: All Ages
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