2023 Spring 4v4 train & play coed/boys/girls 3-6th & 7-8th Gr Mon/Tues
- Sport: Jr Beach Volleyball
- Format: iB31 Club
- Locations: * iBeach31 , Beach Beginner (K-5th) , [+] more
- Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday
- Started on : Started on Monday, May 1
- Dates: 5.1, 5.2, 5.8, 5.9, 5.15, 5.16, 5.22, 5.23
- Times: 4:30 PM
BRAND NEW LOCATION: (only 1 mile north from our old location!)
750 E 181st
Westfield, IN 46074
* iB31 4v4 Train & Play Boys, Girls, OR Coed
*ideal to sign up with a full team of 4 (sign up as an individual, then invite friends to join (will ask if you'd like to invite friends)
4 weeks (8 sessions)
Mondays - train with coach Mondays & Tuesdays organized play
Train Mondays only 4:30-6pm
Play only Tuesdays 4:30-6pm
* Gather 4 teammates any combo of boys/girls
or sign up solo & we will help find a team
*Team Shirts and Team Coach or 2 days
$185 - 2 days (train & Play)
All skill levels welcome.
This youth beach volleyball 4v4 is one of our most popular leagues! Each team will have an experienced Beach Coach. All players will learn basic fundamentals, serving passing, setting, hitting, & defense in addition to learning more advanced skills and play as they improve. The players will be playing 4 v 4 format, play every position, have more touches on the ball, great exercise, and no sitting!.
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