Westfield High School’s "For the Kids Dance Marathon" Beach Volleyball Fundraiser - Friday August 19 8:30pm-12am

  • Sport: Pick-up Games
  • Format: 4 vs 4 or 6 vs 6 Beach Volleyball
  • Locations: * iBeach31
  • Days of the week: Friday
  • Started on : Started on Friday, August 19
  • Dates: 8.19
  • Times: 8:30 PM

Come help support the kids of Riley Hospital!
Dance Marathon is a great organization with the sole purpose of helping families from Riley Hospital. We work to raise money to not only help patients who aren’t able to live a normal life, but to also help find cures for the many diseases out there. All children deserve the chance to live life to its fullest and have a great future ahead of them. Any donation makes a difference! #ftk

Sign up solo as an individual and/or invite your friend or friends within our registration. Please select Individual registration below to get started, and join us!

Cost: $10 per player
Bring cash or card, pay onsite.

Friday August 19 8:30pm-12am

This event will be Organized Beach Volleyball play with 4 vs 4 or 6 vs 6.

Please be sure to visit our FAQ page for details on our updated parking, restrooms, & more: https://www.ibeach31.com/page/faq-rules

    • Age: All Ages
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