2022 Summer Sunday Beg/Rec Coed 6v6 4pm, 4:35pm, 5:10pm

Gorman and Bunch Orthodontics

Indiana Elite Vollyeball

Shepherd Insurance

Waste Management
Sunday, June 26
follow up
Adam's Aces, Booze, Set, Spikesund beg 6s updates
Red Solo cups (geoff steever and angel were no shows, (maybe we need to add tania another free agent that just registered today, but again didn't show to this team)
Help I've Falllen (reach out to chad mckinney, might possibly need some more players on his team, waiting on remainder of payment to fill this team)
Adam's Aces could not make it (were not on schedule) still balance due
forgot to ask domination station about balance
chewblockas working on two more players and will pay balance when they find them by next league night
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Court 4
Court 5
4:00 PM |
4:35 PM |
5:10 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, July 10
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Court 4
Court 5
4:00 PM |
4:35 PM |
5:10 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, July 31
Red Solo Cups forfeited to Bouncytiful.
Red Solo Cups forfeited to That's What She Set.
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Court 4
Court 5
4:00 PM |
4:35 PM |
5:10 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, August 7
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Court 4
Court 5
Court 6
4:00 PM |
4:35 PM |
5:10 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, August 14
Double Headers
Adam's Aces, Booze, Set, Spike, Bouncytiful, Bump and Roll Tide, Domination Station, Free Birds, Help! I've fallen. , Jess and Friends, Red Solo Cups, That's What She Set, The Chewblockas, The Glizzys
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Court 4
Court 5
Court 6
4:00 PM |
4:35 PM |
5:10 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, August 21
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Court 4
Court 5
3:45 PM |
4:25 PM |
5:05 PM |
5:45 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)