Coed 4s/Coed 6s For the Kids...Riley Sunday 9/19

  • Sport: Tournament
  • Format: Coed 4v4
  • Locations: * iBeach31
  • Days of the week: Sunday
  • Started on : Started on Sunday, September 19
  • Dates: 9.19
  • Times: 12:00 PM

Come join us for this fun event to raise money for For The Kids...Riley Hospital.

12pm check in & 12:30pm start time
Tournament format:
Coed 4v4 or Coed 6v6 (any combo of males and females)

2 divisions:
1. Intermediate/competitive 4v4

2. Family/social/beginner 6v6

Cost: $25/ adult player - $100 per team

80% goes back to For the Kids!

Please register and complete the waiver online. You can register as a team or as an individual. Payment not due until day of tournament (pay onsite).


Our address is 17341 Westfield Park Rd, Westfield, IN, 46074.


Please DO NOT PARK IN THE FRONT "ICE BARN" PARKING LOT! AND Please DO NOT park at the CAR CLINIC next door. Review our updates on parking location, social distancing guidelines, rules, and much more here:

  • Coed 4s (Intermediate/competitive)

    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: All Ages
  • Coed 6v6 rec/social

    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: All Ages
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