Fall Adult 2021 Monday Recreational Beginner & Intermediate Coed 6v6 6:20pm
- Sport: Beach Volleyball
- Format: Coed 6v6 Recreational/Beginner Level
- Locations: * iBeach31
- Days of the week: Monday
- Started on : Started on Monday, August 23
- Dates: 8.23, 8.30, 9.6, 9.13, 9.20, 9.27, 10.4
- Times: 6:20 PM, 6:55 PM, 7:35 PM
Signup Deadline: Monday, August 23
NEW*** We will now offer 2 divisions for this league, beginner/rec & Intermediate.Please have fun, hit the ball around and enjoy the sun!
All leagues play one day per week for 6 weeks plus 1 - 2 weeks of playoffs.Sign up a Team or Sign Up Solo and we will place you on a team!
NEW*** This now has 2 divisions beginner/rec & intermediate. All leagues play one day per week for 6 weeks plus 1 - 2 weeks of playoffs.
Competitive vs Intermediate vs Rec
Competitive - tight hand set calls, comes in and out of both hands equally no side ways sets or sets with excessive spin - more advanced game in general (Open/A level reference)
Intermediate - a little looser on hand sets but no doubles and excessive spin. Level below competitive (BB/B level reference)
Rec - 3 hits on both sides, no carrying or holding the ball, sets are not called unless holding or carrying for too long. No jump serves allowed. (C level and below reference)
2 teams per night & 2 games to 21
6:20pm & 6:55pm Start Times
Playoffs Best of 3 (21, 21, 15, single elimination)
1 women minimum per team for 4v4
2 women minimum per team for 6v6
All team/player balances will be processed the day the league starts.Captains please be sure to confirm your team members have paid in full. NO refunds will be issued after play starts. Special exceptions can be made if needed.
No team shirts this session but we will have something fun to give out!
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