COED 4's Adult Tournament Sun July 18, 10am-4pm

  • Sport: Tournament
  • Format: Coed 4v4
  • Locations: * iBeach31
  • Days of the week: Sunday
  • Started on : Started on Sunday, July 18
  • Dates: 7.18
  • Times: 10:00 AM

9:30am check in 10am start

Cash Prizes
Division | Intermediate/Competitive
Sign up with a team or as an individual
1 Female Player required
Limited to 24 Teams with waitlist option

For more information and registration visit

Payment not due until day of tournament (pay onsite).
(NOTE: Tournament dates and times are subject to change. Please check back often.)
You may bring your own outside food, drinks (NO GLASS), tents, & chairs.

|| Registered Teams ||

Competitive Teams -

Intermediate Teams -


Our address is 17341 Westfield Park Rd, Westfield, IN, 46074.

Chairs & Umbrellas!!!
We do encourage you to bring your own Chairs & Umbrella's as needed as well as food/drinks/coolers.

DO NOT PARK IN THE FRONT PARKING LOT! AND Please DO NOT park at the CAR CLINIC next door. Review our updates on parking location, social distancing guidelines, rules, and much more here:

We do not have access to the restrooms inside the building this season as it will be under construction, therefore we have portable restrooms located near the sand courts.

We look forward to seeing you!

  • Intermediate

    • Level: Intermediate
    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: 18 and Up
  • Competitive

    • Level: Competitive
    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: 18 and Up
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