2021 Summer/Fall Juniors iB31 Tuesdays/Sundays ELITE Open Play Girls/Boys 8-12th Grade USE CODE: AVP25

  • Sport: Jr Beach Volleyball
  • Format: iB31 Club
  • Locations: * iBeach31
  • Days of the week: Sunday, Tuesday
  • Started on : Started on Tuesday, July 27
  • Dates: 7.27, 8.3, 8.15, 8.22, 8.29
  • Times: 8:00 AM, 6:00 PM

Signup Deadline: Monday, August 9


This is 5 weeks of advanced training with Elite Coaches in a small group.

What: iB31 Elite Beach Volleyball
Summer Club Training is for advanced players.

Curious what our facility looks like?

When: Begins July 27 - August 29
Tuesdays 6pm - 8pm
Sundays 8am-10am

(if you miss any practices no worries at all you can make them up anytime at any other club practice M-TH 9am-11am).


2 Hours of Elite Training - Players will be in a groups of 8 or less an experienced Beach Volleyball Coach.

Players will be encourage to participate in our Tournaments, all are $30 entry. Tournament fees are not included in Club Dues. No gate entry fees and no parking fees, spectators allowed! All Junior tournaments are posted here: https://www.ibeach31.com/sport/Tournament

Don't forget your AVP Membership & don't forget to pre-register for all of our Junior Tournaments as they will sell out! All iBeach31 Tournaments are officially sanctioned by the AVP (America Volleyball Professionals) therefore all players will need an active AVP Membership before registering for any tournaments. Reminder: You will need to sign your junior up for an AVP Silver Membership, which is $25 for one year:

AVP Membership Link:
Follow these instructions: Parents must first create their own Account ($0 / Basic Account) to manage their Youth Athletes account. Parents, first Click become member, select Basic $0, fill in all required info, once the parent account is created click on "create a Linked Account" to create your Junior's AVP account and obtain their AVP Member number. For your Junior select Silver $25 membership, fill out your Junior's info, select AVP America and AVP First if it asks what your interests are, select iBeach31 for affiliated organization, & select other (club not listed for affiliated Beach Club) and type iBeach31.

Once you have your membership you will able to register your Juniors team using their AVP info (not yours).
Tournament Link:

  • Tuesday Elite Training 6pm - 8pm

    • Level: Advanced
    • Age: 13 to 19
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