COED (2s & 4s combined ) Lottery (Sign up an Indy!) Saturday June 5, noon start
- Sport: Tournament
- Format: Coed 4v4
- Locations: * iBeach31
- Days of the week: Saturday
- Started on : Started on Saturday, June 5
- Dates: 6.5
- Times: 12:00 PM
June 5, noon-6pm - this is limited to first 32 to register!!
Tournament Director - Terry Crabtree
doubles and quads- everyone will play both formats.
Randomly assigned a number at the beginning of the tournament and broken into two groups.
Round 1: 3 games
Group one will play lottery quads. Group two will play lottery doubles.
Round 2: 3 games
Group two will play lottery quads. Group one will play lottery doubles.
*re-group and get new numbers*
Round 3: 3 games
Group one will play lottery quads. Group two will play lottery doubles.
Round 4: 3 games
Group two will play lottery quads. Group one will play lottery doubles.
Cost: $25/player - Pay onsite, Venmo, Credit, Cash
Divisions: Competitive
Team: Limited to 32 Indy's!
Prizes: Cash
$100 to winner $50 2nd money back 3rd
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