Kailey's 12th Beach Volleyball Birthday Party Saturday May 15, 2021, 7-9pm

  • Sport: Pick-up Games
  • Format: Beach Volleyball
  • Locations: * iBeach31
  • Days of the week: Saturday
  • Started on : Started on Saturday, May 15
  • Dates: 5.15
  • Times: 7:00 PM

Come celebrate Kailey's birthday party with us at the Beach in Westfield!!!

PLEASE PARK IN THE NORTH LOT that wraps around iBeach31 Beach courts. DO NOT Park in the Car Clinic or the Ice Barn parking lot. Thank you!!

Dress in layers, wear an old pair of warm socks, and we also have merch for sale if needed (sweatshirts, sandsocks, etc!

Please be sure to visit our FAQ page for details on our updated parking, restrooms, & more: https://www.ibeach31.com/page/faq-rules

Register as an Individual below, you can also add siblings or other family members attending in comments section.(If applicable)

    • Age: All Ages
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