Fall Mini Session Adult 2020 Monday Rec Coed 6v6 (6:20pm-7:40pm)

  • Sport: Beach Volleyball
  • Format: Coed 6v6 Recreational/Beginner Level
  • Locations: * iBeach31
  • Days of the week: Monday
  • Started on : Started on Monday, October 5
  • Dates: 10.5, 10.12, 10.19, 10.26
  • Times: 6:20 PM

All leagues play one day/week for 3 weeks plus 1 week of playoffs. Recreational level of play, hit the ball around and have a great time!

COST: $40/PLAYER comes with SAND SOCKS! WE WANT TO KEEP YOU WARM. We will also be selling sock hats with ibeach logo, at cost, if each team would like to purchase.

The 1st 100 players registered will receive a pair of sand socks. The remainder of players will receive an iBeach31 Sock hat.

Sand Sock Sizes:
Small (up to size 6), Medium, Large, X Large (12-14 plus)

For our mini Session (FIGHT THRU FALL), you will play 2 teams per night, match play, 21, 21, 15, Cap 23,and cap 15. (Since this is a mini session, we want each team to play as many team as possible before playoffs. FUN TWIST! Since playoff week is the week before HALLOWEEN, we are having a costume party of playoffs and extra PRIZES for BEST COSTUME plus prizes for WINNERS.

Playoffs Best of 3 (21, 21, 15, single elimination)

2 women minimum at all times required per team for 6v6


  • Rec Coed 6v6 Mondays 6:10/6:45

    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: All Ages
    • Team
      • Status: Open
      • Cost:
      • Team
        $240.00 Total
    • Individual
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