Fall Student Impact Middle/High School Sunday Intramural 6v6 League

  • Sport: Jr Beach Volleyball
  • Format: Coed 6 vs 6 Beginner/Recreational Level
  • Locations: * iBeach31
  • Days of the week: Sunday
  • Started on : Started on Sunday, August 9
  • Dates: 8.9, 8.16, 8.23, 8.30, 9.13, 9.20
  • Times: 3:30 PM, 3:40 PM, 3:50 PM, 4:10 PM, 4:30 PM

This is a Coed 6 vs 6 Beginner/Recreational level play League Open to any Middle/High School students interested in playing recreational level beach volleyball! This will be Adult supervised. Some proceeds to benefit Student Impact.

Parents can sign an entire team of 6 players up, or just sign your student up as an Individual player if they don't already have a team and we will place them on a team.

Please be sure to visit our FAQ page for details on our updated parking, restrooms, & more: https://www.ibeach31.com/page/faq-rules

Cost: $66 per player (the team captain that signs up will owe the individual player deposit of $66 and will not be charged the remainder of the team fee)

We look forward to seeing you all in the sand soon!

    • Age: 12 to 20
    • Team
      • Status: Open
      • Cost:
      • Team
        $396.00 Total
    • Individual
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