4 Week - Private Advanced Beach Volleyball Training with Pro Beach Player Bruno Amorim (M, W, or TH)

  • Sport: Jr Beach Volleyball
  • Locations: * iBeach31
  • Days of the week: Monday, Wednesday
  • Started on : Started on Monday, June 15
  • Dates: 6.15, 6.17
  • Times: TBD

What: Private Beach Training with Professional Beach Volleyball Player Bruno Amorim.

LEARN MORE ABOUT BRUNO CLICK HERE!! https://www.ibeach31.com/document/2163/download/Bruno-Private-Group-Training-4-weeks.pdf

4 weeks, one time per week for two hours, designed for 7-8th, High School, or college aged advanced skilled players. Limited to the first 8 players, required to sign up with a partner.

Mondays (3-5pm)
Wednesdays (3-5pm)
Thursdays (9am-11am) SOLD OUT!!

Starts the week of June 15.

Who: 7-8th or High School/College Advanced Skill Level

DETAILS: $200 for 4 weeks. Train 1x per week for 2 hours with constant training from our Pro Beach Athlete and Coach, Bruno. You will learn advanced volleyball skills, drills, and strategy, along with lots of ball touches and play. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for a young beach athlete wanting to take their beach volleyball game to the next level.

  • 4 Weeks BOYS ONLY Wednesdays 3p-5pm Starting June 17th

    • Level: Advanced
    • Age: All Ages
  • 4 Weeks GIRLS ONLY Mondays 3p-5pm Starting June 15th

    • Level: Advanced
    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: All Ages
  • 4 Weeks GIRLS ONLY Thursdays 9am-11am Starting June 18th

    • Level: Advanced
    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: All Ages
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