High School Summer Train & Play (Fridays 3:30pm - 6:30pm)

  • Sport: Jr Beach Volleyball
  • Format: 2 vs 2
  • Locations: * iBeach31
  • Days of the week: Friday
  • Started on : Started on Friday, June 19
  • Dates: 6.19, 6.26, 7.10, 7.17, 7.24, 7.31, 8.7, 8.14
  • Times: 3:30 PM

Did you know that playing beach volleyball is a great way to improve your indoor/hard court game?

Non-stop touches, no sitting, constant communication, build court awareness and game IQ, increase vertical jump, take a break from the pounding of the hard court, outdoors, and the list goes on! Come just us this summer!

High School level Beach Volleyball Training, then Mini-Tournament Play. (Some Prior Volleyball Experience Preferred)

Fridays Starting June 12th from 3:30pm - 6:30pm (1hr training, up to 2hrs tournament play)

$150 4 weeks (show up any 4 weeks until August 7th)
$250 8 weeks

Details: Train with our experienced Beach Volleyball coaches for 1 hour every week, learn beach volleyball fundamentals (passing, setting, attacking, serving) then play live mini-tournament style King/Queen of the Beach (KQOB) games every week in a 2 v 2 format. We will mix and match partners for every round of tournament play!

  • 4 WEEKS FRIDAYS 3:30P - 6:30PM

    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: All Ages
  • 8 WEEKS FRIDAYS 3:30P - 6:30PM

    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: All Ages
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